
Student athletes are able to travel to school with their parents/guardians, or on a regular PSD school bus. Any athletic equipment travelling with the student on a regular bus route must comply with:

safety guidelines outlined by PSD Transportation Services.

After lunch, transportation will be provided from the school to the student athlete's training facility. 

As PSAA is a program of choice, parents may request to have their child bused to and from school with the understanding that:

  • Transportation services may be unavailable (no routes arranged) between your residence and a program/school of choice. 
  • The provision for transportation services, if available, may be delayed until after the commencement of the school term and only after all the eligible students are assigned to busing. 
  • Transportation services may be provided for one school year IF there is room on the bus. Parents/guardians must renew their request for program-of-choice transportation each year.
  • Buses will not divert from a regular route to provide transportation to a program/school of choice. 
  • Transportation services will require an additional fee to transport students to their program/school of choice, as we receive no funding for students who do not attend their designated school.

More information about transportation services for programs of choice can be found by clicking the link below:

 School of Choice Transportation.